MSPs Leverage Reliable Sources to Build Value

Many MSPs are entering the marketplace brokering services delivered by highly reliable providers. By combining best of breed from multiple categories they assemble extraordinary solutions. Here’s why customers should consider these new entries.

Author: Howard M. Cohen

“Never try to be all things to all people!” is an admonition managed service providers (MSP), along with many other kinds of companies, hear often.

It’s good advice! Trying to develop sufficient expertise in multiple disciplines spreads resources very thin, and taxes the capabilities of individuals. A group of true specialists in their respective crafts most often produces a far better result.

But You Can Provide All Things…

Successful MSPs want to maintain control over everything that contributes to their customers’ compute environment. But how can they do that without trying to be all things to all people?

When you think about it, there are many services MSPs don’t try to provide themselves. One obvious example is cloud computing services themselves. Few MSPs if any will even try to create their own offering competitive with Azure. Those who do cannot hope to match the investments made by Microsoft to provide the level of reliability and performance Azure does. So they partner with Azure to provide that massive selection of services to their customers.

Even Azure Applications Need to Be Managed

Microsoft has made it very clear that those planning to run mission-critical applications on Azure will need to have a specific set of highly sophisticated expertise. Most companies using Azure lack these skill sets.

And the fact is that most MSPs don’t have these skills on staff either.

Enter Idenxt

Idenxt specializes in running mission-critical applications on Azure. The Idenxt team features extensive relevant skill sets, and these experts have equipped themselves with all the tools and platforms required to very efficiently load, configure, and provide on-going management of mission-critical applications running on Azure.

Smart MSPs partner with Idenxt to incorporate these services into their own offerings.

Customers who engage Idenxt either directly or through their Microsoft Partner MSP enjoy a level of confidence that their mission-critical applications will continue running and producing results for them at all times, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days each year.

Sleep Well

These Idenxt customers sleep well at night knowing their most mission-critical applications are well taken care of. Whether your operations are 9 to 5, five days a week, or round-the-clock, you’ll know the applications that drive your business will remain on track, running faithfully at all times.

The even better news is that this doesn’t mean you’ll never be awoken in the middle of the night again. Part of the Idenxt service is reliable notification of whomever you specify should anything ever go wrong at Azure or on the network you’ve connected through. If you specify that you be alerted yourself, you can depend on the fact that you will know as soon as a problem occurs which enables you to prepare for the next morning.

Learn more about Idenxt. Call your MSP, or contact us here.

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  • +46 8 502 485 30

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  • +1 833 891 0648

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  • +1 833 891 0648

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