You Don’t Have Staff to Keep your Critical Azure Applications Running Well? …You May Not Need Them!

Every company can benefit from running their most critical applications on Azure, but not every company may be able to justify the expense of the expert staff needed to keep them running. With Idenxt, you don’t need to take on that expense!

Author: Howard M. Cohen

Microsoft will be the first to tell you that you’ll need experts to prepare, configure, load, and run applications on Azure, and the more mission-critical those applications the greater the need for expertise becomes.

Given the broad selection of services available on the Azure platform, the expertise required runs broad and deep. The breadth of services itself is daunting, and each service brings significant complexity requiring greater depth of knowledge. People possessing such broad and deep expertise are, as you would expect, very expensive to hire and employ.

So, Don’t!

Although Azure is a totally digital cloud-based service, the most significant obstacle to using it turns out to be people, people with the kind of expertise we just described. Most smaller to mid-sized companies simply cannot justify the expense. Also, they usually lack an understanding of how to find, evaluate, hire, and manage such experts.

Yet getting applications going, especially those that are critical to the mission of the enterprise, is the most fundamental of requirements in any computing environment.

You Need a Service That Starts at the Right Point

There are many third-party services available that will monitor your network, your data, and the infrastructure they run on. In the event of a failure or anomaly they are designed to alert designated people to evaluate and resolve the problems.

Idenxt shifts the focus to the applications themselves.

The Idenxt service begins at the beginning, with the preparation, configuration, integration, and deployment of your most business-critical applications to the Azure platform. It then combines sophisticated automation with the expertise of a team of seasoned Azure professionals to maintain ideal performance at all times. Idenxt connects with your application developers, operators, and other personnel to obtain answers to any questions that are specific to your environment. Whether it’s the application code itself that’s at fault, or the network connections, or any part of the infrastructure, Idenxt will detect the problem, identify the cause, and resolve any anomalies immediately.

Only if a problem cannot be immediately resolved will you be alerted. Otherwise, all actions and resolutions performed will show up in regular reporting. Minimal involvement for you with optimal performance and maximum peace of mind.

An Ideal Fit

Idenxt is the ideal service for companies that want to balance best performance with lowest cost. This includes companies that work nine-to-five but want their applications running at all times. Idenxt protects the operation of those applications 24 hours per day, 365 days each year. That’s why we offer our exclusive “Sleep-Well-SLA.” When we guarantee of QoS, we’re talking about Quality of Sleep, the kind you’ll enjoy knowing your applications are running and their operation is well protected.

Now you can “hire” the expertise you need without encumbering excessive payroll. Talk to us about the Idenxt service. To learn more, contact us here.

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